Monday, May 7, 2012

The Relative (E=mc2) Wilderness

This is the beginning of my new blog which I am calling The Relative (E=mc2) Wilderness.  It is in the first stages but will be dedicated to the synergistic relationship between mental health and outdoor / wilderness pursuits and activities.  I will attempt to view this relationship through a prism of the theory of relativity, the laws of physics and probability, and the natural laws of the universe.  I believe that these correspond with and provide structure for improved mental health. 

Additionally, it will focus on bushcraft, survival, prepping skills, and general preparedness and how these tactics, skills, and techniques can promote well-being, personal growth, and positive mental health.

The following is a terse synopsis of my initial thoughts.  Very extempore, fledgling attempt...
The Relative (E=mc2) Wilderness

Wilderness Process Consultation, Inc.
Wilderness Relativity2

1)      Wilderness is relative.  It can be a local park or trail.  Continuum from Primitive Wilderness to Urban Wilderness.  With forests, woods, trails, and parks along the continuum.  The wilderness relativity is not fixed.
2)      The self-reliance required in the acquisition of various wilderness bushcraft and survival skills can and do combat a host of deleterious emotional problems (Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Impulse control, etc.) when addressed/learned in conjunction with one another.
3)      Perhaps…Get lost in the Wilderness - use related skills, tactics, and techniques – and find yourself.  Or, find your emotional self-reliance and preparedness skills in addition to your physical skills.
4)      What a BOB/EDC/USK can teach and prepare you for with regard to emotional self reliance and preparedness. Physical items = emotional items for preparedness.  i.e. flint and steel for fire preparation can = Morale cards to spark inspiring thoughts and emotions. 
5)      Function and Process is concentrated on over Form and Content.
6)      Reviews for the pragmatic individual concerned with function over form.
7)      Leadership skills?  Ephemeral, cerebral, & esoteric.  Critical thinking & intellectual curiosity.
8)      Einstein quotes…”not everything that counts can be counted…”
9)      Transpersonal Psychology of Wilderness experiential learning.
10)  A unique opportunity for personal growth.
11)  Elucidate the positive (growth leaning) psychological aspects of Bushcraft, Survivalism, and Prepping.  Focus on how to generalize the aforesaid in daily life (Affect, Thoughts, Behavior)
12)  What can we learn from the laws of physics, probability, relativity, etc?
13)  Bushcraft, survival, and preparedness school (non-profit?). +mental health issues, leadership, teamwork, and process consultation skills, 2nd order change.
14)  Loneliness issues also.
15)  OB focus on kids and adolescents. NOLS focus on adult, organizational leadership and teamwork. Combine these pops with MH issues.

LLike I said its all the extempore ramblings of a madman at this point. i hope in time to be able to collect my ideas into a mission/vision statement along with some organizational and programmatic structure. Thanks and any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Nice!!
    Love the Einstein quote!

    1. Thanks! The actual quote is "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts"

      Is that so a anti-kruseian law?!?! ;-)
