Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twitter Solves Depression!

A recent tweet, and my response...

Ralph Marston ‏@ralphmarston
If you seem to be having a lousy day, it's not the day that's lousy. It's your lack of a positive response to it that makes it seem so bad.

@ralphmarston Thanks for the platitude dude! "Positive response" is at times determined by one's neurological constitution.

@ralphmarston Which, at times also, one has no control over. Thus, my "lousy day" is overdeterministic and not solved with a glib platitude.

@ralphmarston Appreciate the intention though. But lousy days have multiple overlapping causalities.

Outta line????? Personally, I don't think so.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wait and Bleed

There are times that I can't help but feel that my days are spent waiting and bleeding out. This is one of those times! Keep Calm & Carry On..................

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Disabilities Treaty "shot down!"

UN Disabilities Treaty "shot down" by GOP! Yeah, who's the Military Party? Sure in the Hell isn't the repubs!! #GOPObstruction